Our Mission & Promise

We’re a pıoneerıng brand,  that desıgn & craft products that  celebrate and honor our history.

Our Passion

History Gear GiftsDriven by a love for design and history, Retro42 is a small, (like really small) NY based company run by a Belfast native, (North of Ireland). We strongly believe dialogue about our past will improve all our futures. By designing original shirts, posters and gifts, inspired by time, each incredible story, each accomplishment, each journey becomes part of today’s conversation. Every time you buy one of our unique  designs, you continue the dialogue and keep the conversation alive.

Our People

Retro42.com is passionately led by James Hampton, an experienced artist, designer and lover of history. James "Billy The Kid Was Irish" Hampton is committed to promoting the past and creating a dialogue and corresponding designs that help keep history alive.

Our Products

History inspires our designs. Enjoy browsing our collections. We have a vast, complex and extraordinary past: tell us what history you want to wear via email.

Causes We Love

We love these charitable organizations for keeping the conservation alive and increasing understanding of our history and improving our future. Please visit them to learn more.